Lawson L251 Testimonials
"I have used the Lawson L251 on two CDs for vocals and I absolutely loved it!"
Michael Dimeo, The Proletariat Music Publishing, Islip NY
"Love the L251! Thank you for your kind and personal service too!"
Andrew Kremer, St Louis MO
"Have used [the L251] at another studio--Pat Krogh--loved the sound, look, performance. My wife found your receptionist to be polite, helpful, informative, and sincere. Thank you."
Joe Modifica, J & L Music LLC, Wallingford CT
"I love your company."
Jeffrey L. Wilson, Lobster Tarragon Music, Redondo Beach CA
"Love it1! Ran the mic against C12-1953/Korby/Mojave on a vocal--the artist who owns the Korby chose the Lawson!!"
Joe Pasquale, Brentwood TN
"Wow! One of the best new mics I have heard in a while. Detailed, clear, warm (noise floor is outstanding!!) Might need another for some stereo work . . . Thank you Gene! Great work!!"
Chuck Ebert, Axon Entertainment Inc., Azle TX
"Awesome look and gigantic sound! God bless you for your work :-) Thanks!!!"
Hubertus Johannes Meisel, Germany
"Love your mics and service."
Robert George Alaimo, Naples FL
"Great mic--Love how the voice sits in a thick mix."
Chris Jensen, Audio Concepts, Bath OH

"Thank you! This mic is exactly what I was hoping it would be. From fit and finish to, most importantly, the sound, it delivers in spades. I look forward to purchasing many more Lawson products!"
Milan Bertosa, Honolulu HI
"I appreciate your personable service. I just completed a project using my new L251 and I am VERY pleased with the results. I'm so glad I chose your microphone. Thanks!"
David Harris, Anonymous Music Productions, Redondo Beach, CA
"You know that I love this mic!"
Bob Power, New York, NY
"The L251 blew me away the minute I started singing into it. It's rich, big, warm and very open sounding. Gene Lawson has created a fantastic sounding microphone. Now, I want a second one."
Brando Triantafillou, Chicago, IL
"I own a lot of very fine microphones. The L251 ranks with the best of them. The magic is here! Thank you so very much!"
Tom Whitlock, Gallatin, TN
"Absolutely stunning! Thank you!"
Kent Douglas Krudwig, Golden, CO
"My friend Dave Barbe has a pair of L47Cs and I've heard them sound great more than a few times. I was looking for a great vocal mic and, after reading the Pro Audio Review article, I figured I couldn't go wrong. Great on acoustic guitar, OH, room, even bass (in Fig. 8). Best mic ever. Thanks."
Kyle Spence, The Tom Collins, Athens, GA
"The L251 has that great vocal sound that most mics shoot for. A very superior product."
Stephen Gardner, The Music House, Columbia, MO
"Superior value and sound. High end of the L251 is silky smooth. Sounds great with no EQ. Both the L47MP and L251 are favorites with my clients! Excellent service as well."
Roy Salmond, Whitewater Productions, Ltd., British Columbia, Canada
"The L251 is a wonderful instrument. Most notable . . . is the clear, natural presence of the vocals."
Stephen L. Singer, Grayhog Music, San Antonio, TX

"This is the best investment I've ever made."
Stephen Hodde, New York, NY
"I put this in front of acoustic bass and acoustic guitar--instant classic sound. Warm yet very detailed. I love it!"
Rob Rimmington, Boca Raton, FL
"Great mic!"
Adam Cohen, Adam Elk Music, New York
"Great mics!"
Scott Langley, Ryan Recording Productions, Holland, PA
"Very, VERY cool!! Beautiful!!"
Philip D. Davis, South Bend, WA
"Great microphone!"
Larry DeMyer, DeMyer Productions, Indianapolis, IN
"This is a fabulous mic! I am delighted to add such a great item to my arsenal. One of these days I'll add a pair of L47s as well!"
Nick Peck, Perceptive Sound Design, Mill Valley, CA
"Absolutely exquisite! My search for the perfect voiceover mic is over."
Harry Schultz, Richmond, TX
"I love it."
C. Drew Peters, 40 Oz. Sound, Ann Arbor, MI
"I'm listening to the L251 for the first time. The difference in the clarity in the highs jump right out at you. One of the best mics I've ever heard. One of my best purchases I've ever made. Thank you."
Norman P. Kern, Crazy Dream Sound Productions, Martinez, CA
"I really wanted to not spend the money and not have to buy this mic. But when I put it up against my best mics, I had no choice. Unbelievably smooth in all registers, but particularly in the high mids. Creamy and smooth would be good descriptions, but moreover, this mic just sounds right with every vocalist I've tried it on. I submit."
Mitchell Kricun, Sicklerville, NJ
"I heard the rumors. They're true. What a sound!!"
Harry Brookes, Sunset Productions, Annapolis, MD
"Gene, you've done it again."
Joey Misculin, Musicwagon, Inc., Nashville, TN
"Wow! Wow! Wow!"
Justin Winokur, San Jose, CA
"Beautiful sound! Beautiful mic! It's difficult to believe that one can get such craftsmanship for so little money."
Ken Lee, Eleven Shadows, Los Angeles, CA

"Bold and airy. Best sax sound I've ever heard."
Steven Carniol, Sonic Productions, Glen Head, NY
"Very cool."
James Ascenzo, Reelsound Audio, Novi, MI
"Once again, you have created an unbelievable microphone, a beautiful vocal mic. The +BASS and cardioid only switches are great features. The sound is wonderful--a great companion to the L47MP I own!"
Ted White, Studio Intonato, Manhattan Beach, CA
"I'm going to need two of these! Looks and SOUNDS wonderful! Thanks, Gene--great job!! Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Mark Michaelson, WonderDog Sounds, Inc., Marietta, GA
"I'm sure the vintage brokers aren't happy with this one! Ha. Ha."
Jerry Sanders, No Sleep Productions, Cincinnati, OH
"I love this microphone. I have used it on tenor saxophone, electric guitar and as a drum overhead with spectacular results. I have yet to even use it as a vocal microphone. I would like another--along with a pair of the L47's."
Steven Wray Lobdell, Audible Alchemy, Portland, OR
"Beautiful! So far only tried it on my voice and it was the best sound I ever got. Can't wait to experiment more."
Daniel Arthurs, Streaming Culture LLC, New York, NY
"Absolutely fantastic! I love this microphone."
John K. Larson, Larson Recording, Chicago, IL